With her background in banking, Joan Roberts brings particular gifts to the board of trustees. Here, she shares some of her background and her passions with us:
"I am now a retired Bank Manager and started my career after leaving college in 1970 with what then was known as Trustee Savings Bank - now Lloyds TSB. Banking, over the 41 years I was employed, saw many changes and with that brought many opportunities. At the beginning we were required to take the inhouse qualifications that covered Economics, Statistics, Law and Accounting, and over the years - as things evolved - we were required to keep our qualifications updated to include Financial Planning, training and development.
"As the business expanded through economic change, so did the opportunities, which meant my career became very diversified. Over the years I have taken on roles as varied as business banking, business development, mortgage advice, financial planning, investment advice, debt management, strategic planning, training and coaching, and branch management. The majority of these were at Managerial Level which also covered the importance of not only developing the business but also the development of the people working for the bank - one of the most important parts to any business.
"Although over the years my career took up most of my time I did take time out to travel. Travel is more than a hobby, it is a key interest of mine, and I am fortunate enough to have travelled far and wide. My favourite part of the world is Asia, which I have seen extensively because of my interest in history and culture. When I visit any country I like to see the real country and people, not just the tourist part.
Over the years my faith has always been with me, but it has grown steadier and stronger and I have experienced that born again Christian feeling. I am involved in many areas of our church at St Aidan’s, and in Church Wigan's South Hub, as well as a Trustee of Wigan Deanery Trust. The Alpha courses for both adults and youth have given me great pleasure, as it is a delight to see people of all ages develop and grow in their faith as this never stops no matter what age you are."